Bonsai Trees Can be Revived If You Have Patience.

Bonsai trees are a beautiful tree and an addition to any garden, patio or home. They are very attractive, bit often there are times when they are just forgotten about. It may be because someone has gone on holiday, or maybe they just become less healthy. There are many ways to revive bonsai trees, and here are just a few.

Add Life to Trees by Repotting.

First, it's a good idea to think about re-potting a bonsai tree every couple of years. Early spring is a great time to do this and the gardener will need some good quality potting compost with a mix of sand or grit that will help the drainage.

Repotting a bonsai tree will hopefully put a new lease of life into it with new soil and drainage and help on the way to reviving bonsai trees.

Another good way for reviving bonsai trees is to trim the roots of the tree, often the roots become very compacted and confined and give it a dying appearance. Roots may also become too big for the pot that the bonsai is growing in, so cutting the roots can be a good move.

Old soil will need to be removed first to expose the roots.
It has always been recommended that bonsai trees be situated outdoors because of the temperature and the fact that they need to be exposed to at least 3 hours of sunlight each day. However, a lot of people still keep them indoors, and do find that their bonsai tree begins to wilt and needs revival. If this is the case the best move is to place it outside, and it hopefully will help in reviving bonsai trees.

Watering And Pruning Can Help Tree Growth.
Water is also an issue when it comes to reviving bonsai trees. The soil needs to be kept moist all of the time, yet some people allow the bonsai to become waterlogged, and this trapped water will rot the root system and kill the bonsai tree quite fast. The bonsai pot therefore has to have enough holes to allow drainage of the water. Letting the tree dry out from lack of water is also an issue.

Bonsai trees are always in need of pruning. If a bonsai tree gets to big, cutting off the top will stop it growing even taller, and should be done using a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs to prevent infection. This will allow the bonsai tree to grow new branches and spur a new lease if life into the plant, allowing it to appear wider and fuller.
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